​Port Huron
Chapter Leader:
Jacie Sanders, 800-842-2954 x132, Jacie@transgendermichigan.org
The Social Club usually meets the second Saturday of the month at various restaurants. See Facebook group for details.
TGMI Port Huron Chapter: Facebook

Scrambled Eggs Support Group, Dearborn Heights
In partnership with Transcend the Binary
Chapter Leaders:
Tammi Player, 800-842-2954 x129​, Tammi@TransgenderMichigan.org
Marcy Osborne, (313) 513-5994, Marcy@transgendermichigan.org
Susan Oser, susan.oser@transgendermichigan.org
Discord channel: Scrambled Eggs Support Group
Facebook page: Scrambled Eggs Transgender support group
Scambled Eggs Support Group meetings.
Caroline Kennedy library, 24590 George Ave, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127​
We have started another Transgender Support Group, live and in person!
It is a collaboration between Transcend the Binary and Transgender Michigan. We are getting our city leaders involved so you might see them at a group one night! We are allowing everyone who is in the LGBTQIA+ Community and allies to join in the meeting, if you are under the age of 18 though you do need to bring a guardian. If you have questions please contact Tammi or Marcy.

Westland (Online only)
Chapter Leaders
Emma Velasquez, 800-842-2954 x127, Emma@TransgenderMichigan.org
Transgender Michigan invites all who are trans, non-binary, gender-queer, gender-fluid, and other individuals who identify outside of the gender binary, as well as those who are questioning their gender to an evening of support.
Meetings on temporary hiatus.
TGMI Westland Support Group on Facebook

Lenawee County
Chapter Leaders:
Marisa McCue, Marisa@transgendermichigan.org
The chapter support group meets monthly. See the Facebook group for details
Hilltop Counseling
115 W. Maumee St
Adrian, Michigan 49221
Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti
Chapter leader:
​TGMI A2Ypsi Chapter: Facebook