TransMen Outreach
Tyler Singelyn, tyler@transgendermichigan.org
Kevin Werner, (947) 218-6176, Kevin@transgendermichigan.org
Derek Davis, Mr. Trans Michigan
​TGMI F to M Chapter: Facebook
Independent Support Groups:
Affirmations' Trans Male Support Group
FtM Detroit, facebook.com/FtMDetroit
FTM A2 Ypsi, facebook.com/ftma2ypsi

20+ Age Group Outreach​
You are starting out as an independent adult and you need support.
Outreach Leader
Seth Tooley, Seth@TransgenderMichigan.org , 517-940-8203​
Facebook: TGMI 20+ Age Group Support

Digital Outreach Team
Discord: TransMichigan
Thea, thea@transgendermichigan.org ,
Ivy, ivy@transgendermichigan.org ​
Facebook, YouTube, email, newsletter, website​
Susan Crocker, Operations Director​
Older Adult Outreach
Facebook: TGMI Older Adults Chapter
The HOMES Coalition is a Southeast Michigan coalition of partners and allies working to provide assistance and housing to LGBTQ+ older adults towards aging in community.​

Spouses Outreach
This group is dedicated to supporting the spouses, partners, & significant others of transpeople.

Prison Outreach
Tia Deke, Leader
Iris Mapes
We answer letters from transpeople in prison.
See Contacts for mail address.
Youth Outreach
Serving the transgender youth of Michigan.
Youth Leader: Position open
Parent Leader: Position open
TGMI Youth Chapter: Facebook
Support Groups: Stand with Trans

Veteran Outreach
Sabrina Gillis​
Under construction​