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So You Want to Start a New Chapter 

of Transgender Michigan?


Our chapters are still evolving, so you have a lot of options on the type of chapter to start. 



So what is the first step?  Call us (Rachel at 586-434-4895 or email Susan at ).  We would like to get to know you, maybe meet up if possible.




Step two.  What kind of chapter do you want?  What kind of chapter does your area need?  There are a lot of options. Some chapters are traditional peer support groups.  Some are social clubs.   How often do you want to meet? Some meet bi-weekly.  Most meet monthly. One only meets once a year.  We recommend starting with monthly.  You can always change it depending on the response.




Step three.  Where do you want to meet?  Many get stuck at this point, but you don't need to be.  There are lots of options, and don't be afraid to think outside the box. 

We have chapters that meet at community centers, libraries, restaurants, churches, campgrounds, and medical offices.



Step four.  Announce your first meet up.  This is where we can help.  We will post your chapter on our website.  Add your meeting to our calendar.  Set up Facebook groups and event pages. Announce it in our newsletter.  And post about it everywhere.



More support.  We have a "Field Support Team" Facebook group that we will add you to, so you can compare notes with other chapter leaders.  We can give you a TGMI phone number so people can contact you without having to give out your personal phone number.  Likewise with a email address.  We can print you business cards to hand out at events or where ever. Plus we are flexible to try most anything else you may need.


Afilliate chapters.  Do you represent a community or pride center that would like to partner with us on your trans program?  We would love work with you.  Contact us (Rachel at 586-434-4895 or email Susan at ) and we would love to decuss your options.



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